Dirk Hooper is a professional artist, award-winning professional writer, award-winning photographer, audio talent, podcasting producer and host, journalist, mentor, and personal branding and marketing consultant.
He is currently looking for freelance illustration work for books, magazines, or for your business. He can also do cover art for books and comics, and does pencils, inks, and colorwork for sequential art projects.
Hooper’s recent professional work includes package artwork for Japanese company Liebe Seele and cover art for Bad Candy issue 3, Bad Candy issue 4, covers for two of Asher Lake’s books, interior art for a memoir, art for a poetry book, and numerous coloring assignments for SRG’s Supershow Card Game. He is also currently working on several comic projects.
Hooper has cultivated a reputation as a fine-artist in established venues including the prestigious Fred Jones Jr. Art Museum and the Orange County Center for Contemporary Arts. His work has been shown in exhibitions like “the Dirty Show” in Detroit and around the world in Brussels, Belgium, Utrecht, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, China, and Bournemouth, England. Hooper has work in the permanent collection of The Kinsey Institute based at Indiana University and has participated in three shows curated by the Kinsey Institute. His work is also in the permanent collection of the Leather Archives and Museum in Chicago, Illinois.
Dirk Hooper is a professional writer who has done work for many high-profile online magazines, won the Top Writer Award at Quora for three years, and a Moore Award for copywriting in 2017. He published his first book under a pen name in 2018, and that book has 4.5 stars on Amazon.
Hooper’s articles have been published at Business Insider, Inc. Magazine, HuffPost, Slate Magazine, The Sporting News, MSN Sport, and Quartz. He has also been published as a comic writer, a poet, and performed numerous copywriting assignments for professional and private clients for the past ten years.
He has been podcasting since 2005 and has produced and hosted several hundred hours of content over the past 15 years. He is currently hosting and producing the weekly show Taskforce: Geek with his fellow Rain King Studios members, is hosting another monthly podcast, and creating regular video content for two other channels.
Dirk Hooper is proud to once again be creating with his brothers in Rain King Studios and is excited to see where this new chapter will lead.

This is a fantasy portrait that was penciled, inked, and painted by Dirk Hooper. He is available for illustrations, cover art, or sequential art, as a penciller, inker, colorist, letterer, or all the above.

Hooper has been creating commissioned portrait artwork and pinup art for clients since 2017. This is a recent example of his custom portrait artwork.Go to his commissioned art page to order your own!

This is cover art that Dirk Hooper did for an alternate cover for Bad Candy Issue 4. He’s available for cover illustrations, cover design, interior illustrations, and more for your books, comics, magazines, and other projects.
Gallery of Work by Dirk Hooper
Click here to see the Rain King Studios Gallery of Dirk Hooper.
Commission Art by Dirk Hooper
Click here for the Rain King Studios Page for Commissioning Artwork by Dirk Hooper.
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