Character Illustration
Looking to see your RPG character brought to life? Have an idea for a new superhero? Want to see yourself in your favorite video game? Whether it’s an original character of your own or an established character from the many worlds of entertainment Shawn’s skills as an illustrator are sure not to disappoint. With nearly 30 years as a professional illustrator and graphic designer, there is nearly nothing that he hasn’t seen or been asked to create.

Title Header / Logo
Every comic needs an exciting title and an even more exciting header or logo to help bring in the readers. Even if you already have a header but want to add some spice to it, let Shawn work a little magic and improve your visibility. Shawn has worked for multi-million dollar companies designing graphics and will use that experience to help you stand out from the crowd.
50% down before starting a project
Full payment is due before finished art is submitted, no exceptions
A “Rush Fee” will be added if necessary
Please provide any reference available before production
Complexity can influence the final price
All payments paid via PayPal
Contact me:
For more samples of Shawn’s work check out his portfolio
in the “Gallery” drop-down at the top of the page
All artwork will be produced and sent digitally unless otherwise specified
Other charges may be necessary for shipping & handling